Sandblasting is a form of abrasive blasting primarily used for removing existing coatings and contaminants. AWS with specialised sand blasting equipment can provide any required sandblasting services.

Looking for Quality Sandblasting Services?

Sandblasting is the process of cleaning or preparing a surface, which is a form of abrasive blasting that uses force to project aggregate sand sized material against the surface. 

Sandblasting has many uses such as but not limited to; Cleaning, Preparation of surfaces prior to coating, removal of rust etc, all part of the procedure required to achieve a high quality product for our clients.  Our team have a wealth of experience and proven track record in this service.

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Range of subservices

AWS SERVICES specialises in apartment/unit blocks maintenance and remedial waterproofing projects, such as:

Surface Preparation

Rust and corrosion removal

Graffiti Removal

Paint stripping

Commercial cleaning

Boat Antifouling

Why choose AWS?

AWS Services have over 20 years’ experience in sandblasting projects completed for clients Australia wide.  

Our highly-skilled engineering team offers a tailored service to each of our customers through the provision of expert advice. We offer sandblasting services as required and we pride ourselves on our ability to support our clients throughout the life of the structures being maintained.   For a site inspection, or to discuss your remediation requirements, please speak to our experts.

We provide quality sandblasting throughout Sydney, Melbourne & Perth.

Call us or get a free quote by clicking through on one of the buttons below.
